Let’s Illuminate Education

Announcement of the Conference on quality inclusive Education in the context of achieving Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals in Bosnia and Herzegovina „Let’s illuminate education".

The image represents the logo of the conference. on the right half of the picture is information with the name of the conference, date, venue. the name of the conference With great pleasure we announce the conference dedicated to quality inclusive education, organized by MyRight in BiH and the Federal Ministry of Education and Science, and with the support of representatives of the Advocacy Committee for Inclusive Education in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities from the MyRight program.

The hybrid conference will be held on Monday, October 4, 2021 from 10:00 to 17:00 via ZOOM.

The path to poverty reduction in every society is only possible with quality education, which is what Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals is about, while inclusive education should ensure that no one is left behind. The conference aims to connect various actors working in the field of inclusive education, by combining practitioners and theorists, policy makers and those directly concerned, through the exchange of opinions and innovative ideas, conclusions and recommendations, in order to strengthen the quality of inclusive education into synergy to the path towards meeting goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Program.

The aim of the conference is to shed light on the situation in education by broadening the perspective of understanding quality inclusive education by focusing on the promotion of models that lead to quality inclusive education that have proven themselves in practice.

Participants will have the opportunity to hear from policy makers, representatives of institutions, civil society, as well as inclusive education practitioners themselves about the work and efforts that lead to achieving quality inclusive education where every child, regardless of his/her disability, is recognized as an equal individual with his/her maximum potential.

The conference will provide a space for active dialogue of all interested participants who will follow the conference through zoom platform. Only together we can identify the necessary future steps and make recommendations that will lead us to the right goal: achieving quality inclusive education for children and youth with disabilities, a necessary condition that must be met to achieve objective 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals.

We are pleased that keynote speaker will be Nafisa Baboo, a recognized expert on inclusive education from the organization Light for the World.

The conference will be provided with interpretation to English and Bosnian sign language.

The link for the conference via zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89416208555?pwd=Uk5rZ3FjWDFhaDBvbDRhTGx5WjIrZz09

We hope that you will join us and contribute to this important topic as one of the most important for the fulfilled and independent life of people with disabilities and the building of an equal and just society that respects the rights of all.

Conference Agenda_Lets Illuminate Education

Concept of the conference program _Lets Illuminate Education

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